When I Was a Pup

Parents like to say, “When I was your age…..”  

You know the story… “When I was your age, my dog house always faced into the wind; when I was your age, the dog run was uphill in both directions; when I was your age, there was no such thing as therapeutic dog beds; when I was your age dog food came in one flavor”.

I think we are supposed to believe life was harder when our parents were “our age”, or pups were tougher at “our age” back then, or the world has gotten soft for “our age” today.

Maybe they want us to know they faced hardships at “our age” then and still made it happily to “their age” now.  

Bark bark bark, yeah yeah yeah.

Whatever it is, I sometimes get frustrated  because my mom and dad are r-e-a-l-l-y old, so I don’t think they were ever actually my age (especially if you factor in that whole dog years thing).

If you are reading my blog, then you are definitely my age…whatever age that is…because you are living and breathing and getting up each morning and walking around and feeling happy and feeling sad and feeling excited and feeling anxious and getting stressed and getting better and asking questions and wanting answers and doing it all…today…our day, “our” age.

And if you are my age today…whatever age that may be…then you have noticed that life is a little crazy right now in our age.  

And if you are reading my blog, then you know I only tell true stories about life in my age on my blog.

So here is my story for today….

I was a little bored this morning because I couldn’t go to the dog park and that made me feel blue. I wanted to go for a ride, but mom says we are supposed to stay home.  I thought about doing a virtual chat with some of my friends, but I don’t actually know how to use a computer and my paws are too big to work the keys anyway.  


Dad was busy doing house stuff.  Mom was busy teaching remotely.  

Ruff, Ruff, Ruff.

Then Molly came in and put her head down next to mine and we hung out.  Then I got feisty and the two of us wrestled with a chew toy. And it was nice.

It was a pretty simple day, so it is a pretty simple story.

I was blue.  I spent time playing with a toy, a ripped up old toy at that.  I felt better. No technology needed. No adventures in the great outdoors.  No car rides. No head out the sunroof. Nothing crazy. It was nice.

Then mom took me down to the garage because it was raining pretty hard and we couldn’t go outside and she wanted to make a home gym out of whatever she could find.

And she did.  And I hung out in the garage with her. And it was nice.

Then mom worked out in her new home gym.  I know mom likes to go to her other gym, MultiSport Fitness, but she can’t, so she made one out of whatever she could find in the garage.  And it was nice.

To recap:

I was bored. I was blue. Mom and dad were working.  I played with a toy. It was nice. Mom was sad. Mom got creative. Mom felt better. It was nice.

Like I said before, mom is r-e-a-l-l-y old, so she probably doesn’t know exactly how I feel today, but maybe she did face a hardship at “my age” and that is how she got to be so clever right now at “her age”.

Then I had an idea!  

My current day-to-day is not what I would like it to be, but I am learning all kinds of new ways to find happiness and adapt to what I have, so maybe when I get to be some other age I will be able to turn to the pups of that day and say with confidence and wisdom, “when I was your age…”

Be safe. Wash your paws. Stay inside. Discover something new. Play with something old. We are in this together.

I’m a dog. I love life, and i have flaws. I’m perfect. Imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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