Happy Labor Day and Thank You

I was pondering the beauty of the grass and the sky while I was out for my walk this morning. The grass was a gorgeous green, the sky was a beautiful blue, and I left pawprints on the trail because the water I was swimming in was refreshingly wet.

As I pondered, I considered the people who made it possible for me to be out walking this morning on a lovely Labor Day, and I wanted to pay tribute to all of the amazing workers in the world.

I thought maybe I would list everyone I know in alphabetical order and explain why I appreciate the job they do. I walked over one mile and didn’t get through the A’s! Next, I thought I could write about all of the jobs people do and why each one is crucial to our day-to-day survival. I rode home with Mom and Molly, and in the ten minutes we were driving, I got through the B’s. I thought of a few more approaches, but still found myself only at the C’s and D’s!

Then I caught a glimpse of this guy sitting peacefully on his log in the lake, and I realized I could not possibly account for the millions of people and animals who get up each morning to do what they do… whatever that is… because I don’t know everything and I don’t know everyone, but I sure as heck benefit from efforts beyond my comprehension.

So instead, I want to send out a giant puppy-sized”Thank you” to anyone anywhere who is giving it their all. No matter what your job is, do it the best you can because your attitude matters. You never know when one little smile or nod of recognition will make someone else’s day.

Even if what you do is drool.

I’m a dog, I love life, and I have flaws. I’m perfect. Imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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