Tree Day

This weekend was tree day weekend. Tree day is a big day in our house, a day filled with friends, fresh air, and fun. I get to go for a walk on tree day. I’m a lucky dog, i get to go for a walk on most days.

Tree day starts with a tailgate extravaganza where we all sit around and strategize. This part of tree day may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot. We discuss what sort of tree we each hope to find, what direction we want to wander, and how lucky we are to be together kicking off the holiday season.

Friends, fresh air and fun. Guaranteed.

There is no arguing on tree day…because it’s tree day…a day of friends, fresh air, and fun.

After we tailgate a while, the humans bundle up and we start our trek around the tree farm. This part of tree day may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot.

I must confess, i do not have much input when it comes to deciding on our tree for tree day. I am more along for the ride…and the chance to pop out from behind an evergreen to startle an unsuspecting passerby. I get the best belly rubs this way.

Anyway, all the two-legged tree hunters work together to make sure each family finds the perfect tree on tree day. Once the tree is cut down, i step in and lead the way to the check out. I try to pull my weight, but i have no thumbs, so my participation is more symbolic.

After we pay for our tree, it is back to the tailgate…which may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot.

When we are good and ready…and i have greeted as many tree getters as possible…we load up and head to the houses.

Let me condense the next few hours:

House one- work together to erect the tree…this may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot

House two- work together to erect the tree…this may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot

House three- work together to erect the tree…this may be the best part of tree day because we laugh a lot.

I am helpful, as usual.

We visit however many houses are represented in our group and erect however many trees need to be put up until we arrive at the last house on tree day.

Once the last tree is erected, it becomes chow time and movie time!

Every year on tree day, we fill ourselves with friends, fresh air, and fun. We tailgate, find trees, put those trees up, eat dinner, and settle in together to watch the best Christmas movie ever.

Somewhere between five and ten minutes after the movie starts, we drift off to a peaceful, comfortable sleep…one by one…and this may be the best part of tree day because we are surrounded by the people and pups we love.

Who i love most.

And if we drool a bit in our sleep while the movie plays…well that’s ok too.

And to all a good night.

i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws. i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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