The Hardest Part

I am an active dog. This post may not reveal that particular aspect of my doganality, but trust me, I would rather be running through the woods or climbing a mountain than…..waiting. But alas, there are times in life when one must simply wait.

Waiting in mom’s classroom.

I like to think while I’m waiting. Sometimes I think about what else I could be doing. Sometimes I think about what I am doing. Sometimes I think about what my friends are doing. Sometimes I think about what someone I don’t know is doing. Sometimes I think about what I will be doing later. All the while I am thinking, I am still waiting.

Even when I am going somewhere I am often waiting.

I don’t think it is possible for time to stand still. I mean, I know there are times when it feels as if the seconds are not passing and the minutes are not building, but really, the paws on the clock go round and round even while we are…..waiting.

Molly and me

One of the strategies I have found helpful is finding a friend who will wait with me. We talk while we wait. We snack while we wait. We may watch TV while we wait. We may nap while we wait. Whatever we decide to do, it is much easier to fill the void left by waiting when your friend is waiting beside you.

My friends are busy pups, so they cannot always be around to wait with me. When the waiting almost feels like it might be too much, I take myself to a quiet place and rest my head to wait. I look at the leaves. I look at the trees. I watch the fish in the pond. I watch the squirrels preparing for winter. I watch the clouds go by. I watch the bees buzz. I watch my fur blow gently in the breeze. I do all of this while I wait.

I’m not going to lie. There are times when I just know I cannot wait anymore. When my puppy brain screams, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”, I sleep.

My pal Dixie

Not everyone likes to wait. Wait a minute, does anyone like to wait? A true friend understands our need to wait and looks out for us while we do.

When all else fails, read a book and wait. Get lost in the story and wait. Imagine the adventures and wait. Learn about the world and wait. Challenge your mind and wait. Visualize the characters and wait. Solve a mystery and wait. Fall in love and wait.

If reading doesn’t work, and sleeping doesn’t help, and a friend is not around, the best option may just be to turn your head and look in a different direction while you wait. You are still waiting, but you never know what you might see when you take a glance beside you. Maybe other dogs are waiting too.

And, in the end, when the stick is in your mouth…and you are as happy as can be….enjoy it! Roll on your back, wave your feet in the air, get dirty and have fun. It is always worth the wait.

I’m a dog, I love life, and I have flaws. I’m perfect. Imperfect. Just. Like. You.

4 Replies to “The Hardest Part”

  1. You are special, maybe imperfect, but special to wait so quietly, so calmly! You must be growing up and learning new skills like sleeping longer and, of course, waiting. Did you know that your name is exactly the same as my father’s? For me that makes you more than special. Wear it with pride, he was a patient person and knew how to wait for it . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. That is the best thing I’ve read for a long time! As I sit here waiting, I’m thinking about all the people I’m going to forward it to, who also could really use a boost from Phil’s tremendous insight. Thank you Phil!!

  3. Oh, Phil, you always make me feel better! Especially when I’m waiting. And we are all waiting for something. Like a vaccine.

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