The Epitome of Imperfection, But I Love Her

A wise man (my human dad) once said, “There’s no point in being an idiot if you can’t prove it every now and then.” Hold onto that thought while I convey this short story…

Mom and I had a blast planning our summer and autumn 2022 events. Not too long ago she and dad went on a ride to Clinton, New Jersey, and she thought that might be a nice place for us to take our book sales.

Upon returning home, mom popped on the computer and searched for events in Clinton.

Please note, my intentional omission of a state here. Please also remember that mom teaches English Language Arts…which involves research skills.

Hip-Hip Hooray, she found one on August 27 with a regular attendance of 4,500 people! Wowzer, what an opportunity!

I was onboard immediately and excited to share my giant puppy stories with a new crowd. We reserved our spot and put it on the calendar! Woo-hoo!

Just last week we received our final email confirmation from the Clinton organizers with a list of other vendors and a schedule for arrival.


And then mom opened the attached flier.

And then we noticed mom booked an event in Clinton, NEW YORK.

Our August 27 is now open if anybody wants us.

See dad’s quotation above.

I’m a dog, I love life, and I have flaws. I’m perfect. Imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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