
When i think of perfection, i think of the scene in Friends when Chandler is trapped in an ATM vestibule with supermodel Jill Goodacre and replies to her offer for a piece of gum that it would be “perfection”.  Chandler is doing his best to impress…to bring his A-game, but he falls short.  The scene is funny, and Chandler loathes his choice of words, but doesn’t it reflect a little piece of us all?  Aren’t we all imperfect in our constant quests for perfection?

The best part about this connection is that i’m a dog, so i can’t even chew gum.

i have a good life.  In fact, i have a great life, just ask any of my friends.  i wake my people up every single morning with a giant wet nose on the side of the bed, and i just cannot wait to start the day to see what adventures are in front of me!  Sometimes, those adventures are as grand as a six-mile hike in the mountains, and sometimes they are as simple as staring out the back door for hours, but man alive, the opportunities are all mine, and it is my choice to make the most of them. I get to BE!

It is that choice, that optimism, that inspired me to start this blog.  I have got a lot of joy to share.  People say i make them feel good through my silly antics, my goofy face, and my occasional deaf ear.  I can’t keep all this love to myself; I have to share.  So check back often and follow me through the ups and downs of life as a giant dog.  Leave me a comment when you visit because i’ll sure be happy to know i made you smile, and it won’t hurt you to take a few minutes out of your day to remember what really matters:  finding perfection in our imperfect moments.  i’m a dog who loves life and has flaws.  i’m perfect.  Imperfect.  Just. Like. You. Phil, out.