Nature, Nurture, or Nuts?

Everyone likes to discuss the topic of nature versus nurture in order to understand why we do the things we do. I am a simple dog with simple thoughts.  I’ve read some Goddard, and dad teaches sociology, so i have an opinion on the subject, but i don’t want to come across as too cerebral… WOL (woof out loud)  No, in truth, i don’t have much to say about personality development and the factors with the greatest impact on the wonderful creatures we become because i think we are all wonderful creatures.

Case in point…

Molly, mom and i recently paid a visit to gramma and grampa’s house to drop off some books and pick up a few odds and ends.  There is a beast who lives at their house—his name is Rocky—and i am never allowed to get out of the car to play with him.  Apparently, he and Molly used to rough house too much, and mom thinks i’m more of a gentle giant than a tough tumbler who might not be able to hang with the big dogs.

After leaving the car in the no-play zone, mom went inside for a few minutes, no biggie, and i figured i’d spread out in the back seat to enjoy the cold breeze coming through the window.  Who doesn’t love the opportunity to close their eyes in the sparkling sunshine and be one with their world? Ommmmmmm.

There i was, not two seconds into my spiritual consciousness, when a massive weight in the form of a lovable pitbull whacked me in the side of the head.

I’ll tell you who doesn’t love the opportunity to chant her mantra in the back of the car while chilling in the sunshine, my big sister Molly.  Mom and gramma weren’t even out of sight when Molly was over the divider, into the front seat, and ripping through the treats we were suppose to be saving for along our daily walk. I will admit, i was initially annoyed because i really like treats, but i had to let it go, it was her Cujo impression to put on, not mine.

Back to my dream state.  


WTFB? (What the Fur Ball???)

I peered over the seat, and i pup you not, Molly had her right paw in the center of the steering wheel and was honking out a rhythm on the car horn that was fit to wake the dead.  Thus ended my moment of meditation.

I cannot say for sure why i was content to use our solitude to lose myself while Molly just plain lost it, but be assured, the incident at gramma and grampa’s was not the only time we have barked up different trees.

Call it nature, call it nurture. To me, it doesn’t matter.  We simply choose to approach our days differently and react in our own perfectly imperfect ways. Sure i could have nipped her in the butt right there, but my twenty months of life have taught me to accept what i cannot change! (Is that nurture?)

There are millions of dogs in the world (adopt!), each of us is unique, and doggone it, i think that diversity is cool. So, you be you…and be the best darn you you can…but don’t get so caught up in being that you forget to let the dog next door be as well.  i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws.  i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.

Molly and me…perfect together

Sometimes I Eat Poop

I get to go for a walk EVERY DAY!  We should stop and celebrate that fact right off the bat because i know there are thousands of dogs who spend their lives tied up or in cages who would love to go for a walk.  So, let me say it again, i GET to go for a walk every day.


Usually when i’m out walking i’m like a kid in a candy store–or a dog on a walk–running around, breathing in the fresh air, checking out what’s going on in the neighborhood.  Sometimes i get to walk on a trail in the woods, sometimes i get to go to a community park, and sometimes i get to go into the town where my mom grew up and check out the old sights with her.  It is hard to say which kind of walk i like best as they all have a little something special to offer. Town is great because i like to look in windows and see how people have decorated their houses. (maybe don’t repeat that if people think it’s creepy!?) The community parks are nice too, but i feel some pressure to be on my best behavior when i see all the manicured walkways, pretty benches, and signs with rules. Being in the woods on a trail is perhaps my favorite. When i’m out in front of mom, dad, and Molly on a trail, it is totally my responsibility to make sure we stay on the right path.  If i’m lucky, we might see a bear or some deer or even a horse on the trail! Whatever we see, i’m just happy i can put one foot in front of the other, then the other, then the other. I get to go for a walk every day!


No matter where we walk, i like to put my nose to the ground and see who has been there before me.  Mom doesn’t always get how much fun this is because her nose is nowhere near as keen as mine. If you’re a dog, and i am, there are smells everywhere.  Take the time to stop and smell the roses, literally, do it. I try not to get fixated on all the temptations around me, but i can’t always help myself. Imperfect Phil. Here is the part you’ve been waiting for, the part i hesitate to admit, but the truth is, sometimes i eat poop.


I can’t help myself!  I don’t know why i do it!  It’s there, i see it, and i want to take a quick bite.  Gross, i know, but i do it, and then i move on, i forgive myself because i’m perfect.


There comes a time in every one of our days when we see a cookie, or a potato chip, or an extra large latte with whipped cream on top, and we know we shouldn’t take a bite but we do…and that’s ok.  We can’t beat ourselves up over a little indulgence once in a while, and we certainly shouldn’t obsess or feel guilty. I mean, the poop is there, so have a nibble.


I do believe healthy eating is important, and normally i stick to my five cups of dry food and two cans of wet food a day, but a dog’s got to have a little fun!  I tell myself, “phil, you’re a good dog, you exercise, you drink plenty of water, and you get a good night’s sleep each day, so allow yourself a treat!” Life is all about balance, not body image.  If i feel good, work hard, and take care of myself, then i deserve a tiny morsel of delight.  i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws.  i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.