Ostrich or Giant Puppy?

The cold hard truth is that some days i long to bury my head and not come out until i am good and ready. In the warmer weather, i tend to bury my head in a fantastically messy digging hole, but during the cooler days, i am just as happy to go ears deep in a blanket, under a pillow, or my all-time favorite spot, surrounded by a crumpled up pile of carpet.

My humans really are saints, because i tell you what, i create amazing mini messes on a regular basis.

Typically, i am a pretty happy pup.  Sure, i hear people say i am a little cross-eyed or i have hair between my toes, but those are qualities that define me, so they are solely my own and do not get me down. I mean, who wants to look at the world straight on all the time?  And that hair, well it keeps me warm on a blustery snow day.

Typically, i am a pretty happy pup.  Sure, when we have company they sometimes come in through the basement door to avoid me, and i often catch  bursts of laughter accompanied by an, “oh Phil”, but they’re coming to see me and saying my name, so who cares if it takes a few minutes for us all to settle in and get comfortable. I mean if people are laughing, then i am making them happy, and that is my number one goal after all.

Typically, i am a pretty happy pup. Sure, i made a small child scream at the top of his lungs on Superbowl Sunday, and every now and then mom and dad raise their voices at me (really raise them), but those could be isolated incidents of someone else already having a bad day when i arrived on the scene.  I mean, 130-plus pounds of raucous puppy energy can be overwhelming, even to the ones who love me most.

Being a happy pup most days of the week does not mean i have to be a deliriously dizzy dog every day.  The cold hard truth is that some days i long to bury my head and not come out until i am good and ready.

Why, you ask?  The answer is simple, i am only canine, just like the rest of you…well, you know what i mean.

Did you ever have one of those days where you wake up with a kink in your neck?  Maybe you were terribly tired the night before, so when you finally fell asleep, you landed in such a deep slumber that your neck was twisted this way or that and your paw was under your body and turned to pins and needles? Despite a “good” night’s sleep, waking up feeling like your head is on crooked can make even the happiest of dogs a little harrowed.

Did you ever have one of those days where you cannot get your hair right no matter how many times you lick it into place?  Normally, i am not one to spend long hours in front of the mirror, but if i’m walking around in the morning and catch a glimpse of my do being more of a don’t, then my spirits sometimes sink and i am  settled into a funk for the next twelve hours.

Did you ever wake up in a perfectly delighted mood, excited to take on the day, feeling like you can’t be beat, ready to bring your A-game, but an hour later you come across someone else who is destined to be your foil…your opposite…your negative Nelly, and suddenly you find their mood has become your mood as well.

Did you ever…even just once, go out there and fight the good fight…listen to those who need to talk…smile (yes, dogs smile) at those who need to be cheered…wag for those who need to be boosted…cuddle with those who need to be hugged…i mean really given it your all, only to come home down?  You may not be hurt, and you may not be sad, you are simply….worn out and weary.  


We have all been there with you.

Now imagine if you will, a warm snug place where the noise of the outside world is put on mute…where the bright lights of the big city are turned down to dim… and where the data driven demands disappear in the dark.

Sometimes, beneath the surface is my happy place, and that place is magnificent because it brings me the peace and quiet and reassurance i need.  Sometimes, beneath the surface is my safe place, and that place is splendid because it allows me to rest and breathe and gather my giant puppy thoughts together.  Sometimes, beneath the surface is my healthy place, and that place is essential…but i can’t stay there forever.

The cold hard truth is that some days i long to bury my head and not come out until i am good and ready.  And eventually, in time, i am ready. I gather my wits, remind myself to be the best dog i can be, pull back the darkness, and emerge…more of a puppy, more of a giant, and more imperfect than before.

i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws.  i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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