Mom has been teaching from home lately, so Molly and I like to hang out on the bed to see what we can learn. We are very attentive students.
The other day mom asked her students to read an article and capture the main idea in just twelve words. As I am a dog who likes to be a little mouthy, I thought this direction seemed hard. So I did what I always do, I pondered.
The more I thought about it, the more fun it sounded, so I sat down with my pen and paper to script out a few of my own twelve worded main ideas.
My topic? 2020 of course! Here are my top 10:
- I thought it would zig, but apparently it decided to zag instead.
- Up down up down up down up down up down up done.
- I could see the bad but I would rather see the good.
- Am I in a dream or am I in a dramatic scene?
- I want to go out, I want to go in, I’m confused.
- My nose is too big for a mask but I wear one.
- I did not not not not not not not see this coming.
- I learned how to make my own fun and find adventure.
- January February March April May June July August September October November December.
- Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof.
Is it cheating if I do twelve words times ten? Or is it just 2020…
I’m a dog and I love life. I’m perfect. Imperfect. Just Like You.