Everywhere I look, I see acronyms and abbreviations. I can’t help but laugh when I read them because I imagine the brilliant mind behind each witty creation. Some of my favorite acronyms are:

  • FEAR: Forget Everything and Run (for when the squirrels fight back)
  • DENIAL: Don’t Even Know I Am Lying (when mom asks if I ate her favorite snack)
  • HOPE: Hang On Pain Ends (my life philosophy…you got this!)
  • MATH: Mental Abuse to Humans (sorry, Ms. Hunter)

And we all love the most popular human abbreviations:

  • LOL: Laughing out loud (if we couldn’t laugh….)
  • ASAP: As soon as possible (or in “Phil” time
  • G2G: Got to go (when I see that squirrel!)
  • IMO: In my opinion (read on…)

Or these self-explanatory dog abbreviations:

  • BIL – Bacon is life
  • TTB-Throw the ball
  • GFAW-Go for a walk
  • DLM-Don’t leave me

Anywho, all of this shortening of dialogue got me thinking about my weekend when I had the opportunity to be a part of the NJ State Fair in Sussex, NJ. 

It was hot.

It rained.

It was humid.

I did not have air conditioning.

I am a giant fluffy dog.

It was hot.

It rained.

It was humid.

Admittedly, after the first twelve-hour day, I was reluctant to do it all again after only a few hours of sleep. Then I remembered why I was there. Yes, I want to sell my books and make people smile, but more importantly, I want to bring attention to the other pups who don’t have my cushy life. 

I met lots of people. 

I made everyone smile. 

I raised $100 for Bully Rescue Warriors!

To review:

It was hot.

It rained.

It was humid.

I did not have air conditioning.

But I had a fan.

I stayed cool because I had a fan. I made it through the second twelve hours because I stayed cool. I raised $100 to donate to Bully Rescue Warriors because I took care of myself.

OMG! Sometimes, we are so busy we forget about self-care, but it’s crucial! Remember, you matter, and taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it’s a necessity!

Get enough sleep. Drink enough water. Talk to someone if you are sad. Remember your fan. Always Take Care Of Yourself.

I’m a dog, I love life, and I have flaws. I’m Perfect. Imperfect. Just. Like. You.

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