There were eleven wee ones in my litter.  That is a whole lot of tiny giant-dog puppies.  I only spent the first seven weeks of my life with those dogs, and i don’t remember much, but Molly says i was feisty from the day she met me, so i have to assume we did a lot of hot doggin’.
When i left my birth home to venture out into the great big world, i was on my own with no idea what to expect. Â Mom and dad picked me up in their truck and off we went to what i was told would be my new house. Who were these people?
I have no idea how long we drove that day because i’m a dog with little understanding of time.  In retrospect, i guess i had no idea where we were going either, so maybe i shouldn’t have hopped a ride so quickly.  Stranger danger!
Fortunately for me, it all worked out, and after some amount of time going some amount of distance, we arrived at some place.  I was seventeen pounds of trembling fur, but i’m phil, so i decided to let me be me and embrace my new digs.
As soon as i plopped down in my new backyard, i both felt and saw a gargantuan black wave moving across the porch in my direction. Â What was happening? What was this massive wall of aggression? Was the gargantuan black wave going to crash into me? Was it going to smush me? Â Â Was this the end?
No wait, it wasn’t a wave…it was a beast! Was the beast going to eat me?  It was a pitbull! Was it going to grab a hold of me and never let go? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhggggg!!!!!!
I may be exaggerating. I have a flair for the dramatic. Â
My welcome home may have been less traumatic.  Molly, previously referred to as a gargantuan black wave, may have walked calmly onto the deck with a full head to toe body wiggle.  She may have given me one good sniff, then tried again to get a strong whiff, then turned her head with a curious look, then got so excited she shivered and shook.  She may have grabbed a hold of me and never let go. Ahh.
From the day she became my sibling, Molly has been my protector, my best friend, my cuddle-buddy, and my guide.  She has shown me how to secure my spot on the bed, taught me that sofas are the ideal place for afternoon naps, coached me how to torment the cat without getting caught, and educated me on the difference between work clothes and walking clothes so i know if i should get excited when mom and dad get dressed in the morning.  She has championed my cause when our friend’s dog picks on me, gone to bat for me when subtly requesting a treat, and most importantly, kept me safe from the ferocious vacuum that demonically functions with a mind of its own. She truly is a top dog.
In return for this unreturnable devotion, i have committed myself to a life of loving Molly as well. Â Sometimes, to exhibit my affection, i sit down on top of her head so she knows i care. Sometimes, when i see she is peacefully enjoying a chew toy or treat, i go over and take it from her so she knows i am happy she is happy. Â Sometimes, when she is walking quietly down the trail, i run up behind her and grab her legs with my giant puppy jowls so she knows i enjoy her company. I do my darnedest to find a new way to convince her how much i care every day.
One way i let Molly know i love her is when we went to a vet visit last year, and i sat next to her with my warm giant puppy body the whole time we were there so she wouldn’t be scared. When you love someone, that’s just what you do.
Molly hates the water….you can’t keep me out. Molly likes to lounge in front of a fire…i want to lunge around in the snow. Molly sleeps curled up in a ball…..i spread myself out. Molly plays watchdog….i just play. Molly is intense…i’m dense. Molly and me, Molly and Me, Molly and me. Perfect together.
Sibling rivalry.Â
i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws. i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.
Serious… …and in love. Heading home. We meet.