In brief…
To tell the dog’s honest truth, my entire plan for today was to relax on the sofa, check out the Rose Bowl Parade, over eat, watch some football, over eat some more, and enjoy the beginning of a decadent 2019 with all the zeal of a giant puppy who stayed up past his bedtime to see the ball fall. Â
My expectations were low, and my hopes were high. I didn’t want to tax my mind, and i didn’t intend to dog blog. I wanted the day to be quiet and stress free. The perfect start to a truly happy new year.
None of my plans came to fruition.
Annoying things happened, aggravating stuff occurred. Â Frustration mounted, anxiety grew. At various moments throughout my morning i encountered obstacles i found irksome, events i felt were vexing, experiences that seemed exasperating and nincompoops who were nettlesome. Apparently the sun can’t shine on the same dog’s behind every day. Happy barking new year.
Then i took a walk and people smiled at me and said hi.
Then i went home.
Then mom and dad watched the news, and then i heard about people who had worse days than me. Much worse days that don’t look like they will get better.
Then i fell asleep in a warm house, on a soft sofa, after a delicious meal, in a safe town, with friends in my life, next to dogs and cats who love me.
Then i thought to myself….this is a happy new year.
i’m a dog, i love life, and i have flaws. i’m perfect. imperfect. Just. Like. You.