One of my favorite places to go for a romp is Merrill Creek Reservoir in beautiful Warren County, New Jersey. You can click here to go directly to their website and learn more official information, but let me tell you a little bit about why i love it so much. Water, woods, grass, trees, rocks, trails, sunshine, wind, birds, deer, friends, smells, quiet, walking, running, and did i mention water!
You won’t be able to swim at Merrill Creek, but this page is a dog’s life, and dogs can swim in many places right from the shore. Every time i’m up there, i see people fishing and kayaking, so i know there is lots for humans to do too.
Mom and dad take Molly and me here no matter the season because there is always something awesome to see. The other day i stood still for five whole minutes watching and listening to the snow geese migrating over head. IT WAS AMAZING.
There are quite a few trails at Merrill Creek, but i like the challenge of the perimeter trail (marked by black blazes). This trail is about five level miles on mostly crushed stone or dirt surface. There is one section that gets rocky…this is where i usually walk too fast and get yelled at for pulling mom down…and one section that is super close to the water…this is where i “accidentally” like to fall in.
If you go in the warm weather make sure you take a picnic lunch because there are a gazillion places to sit and enjoy the views.
No matter what you’re looking for, if you like nature, this is a must see. Â
Beach time in the summer Footbridge on the perimeter trail Midway across the longest dam A thoughtful face at the visitor’s center Mile marker on the perimeter trail Checking out an old foundation i wonder who used to live here? One of the awesome picnic spots